World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

World Book Day.

How fitting to be reading, sharing stories and facts from our favourite books with our friends and those from other classes too!

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Stone Age Art

Image of Stone Age Art

Year 3 recreate Stone Age cave drawings.

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Story time

Image of Story time

Story time in Year 3 and 5

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Year 3 are digging the Stone Age

Image of Year 3 are digging the Stone Age

Year 3 have been building dens to protect their Lego (stone Age) man from the elements.

Year 3 have also been using Scratch to create their own Stone Age game.


All in all we dig the Stone Age!

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Sorting rocks

Image of Sorting rocks

Happy New Year


Year 3 prepare for the Stone Age by classifying different types of rocks.


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The life and art of Henri Matisse

Image of The life and art of Henri Matisse

Year 3 have been learning about both local artists and more established artists from long previous Centuries.

Here is some work about French artist Henri Matisse.

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A tribute to Henri Matisse

Image of A tribute to Henri Matisse

Year 3 have been studying the art of Henri Matisse. As a tribute to his famous collage 'The snail' we created our own collage animals. Enjoy!

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Art on the doorstep

Image of Art on the doorstep

We have looked at where a number of famous artists created their most celebrated works of art and mapped them on our European map.. We have examined the work of Henri Matisse and his famous collage The snail. As a result we created our own animal collages in his style. 


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Year 3 River Explorers

Image of Year 3 River Explorers

Year 3 have been to look at the mouth of the River Mersey and the middle of the River Dee at Chester.    


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Year 3 - Inspired by Henri Matisse!

Image of Year 3 - Inspired by Henri Matisse!

Year 3 are very proud to show the class's stained glass window which has been inspired by their study of Henri Matisse.  It has been erected in the school playground for everyone to admire.  

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Stonehenge Replica - WOW Work!

Image of Stonehenge Replica - WOW Work!

Children in Year 3 have been so inspired about their learning this half term that one child made his very own replica Stonehenge! 

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Wonderful Reader Year 3

Image of Wonderful Reader Year 3

This week's Year 3 wonderful reader... He enjoyed reading extracts from his books and explaining why this was his favourite book.  

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