Reception- Baking gingerbread men
This week we had a special delivery. Upon investigation, we found a basket full of cooking equipment and ingredients and a recipe card to make Gingerbread men. We carefully read the instructions and measured out all the ingredients to make our tasty biscuits.
Y4 Maths - Adding 4 digit numbers
Year 4 have been using playing cards, dice, counters and bingo to generate their addition own calculations.
Y4 - Designing and Making a Labyrinth
Children in Year 4 read the story of Theseus and the Minotaur before design their own maze. The children practised their measurements and cutting skills, as well developing their teamwork skills.
Y4 Ancient Greek Maths
The Platonic shapes are made up from regular polygons. Year 4 have been exploring the number of faces, number of edges and number of vertices.
Y4 Maths Orienteering
Year 4 completed a Number and Place Value Orienteering course around the garden.
Cooking with Maths
Fun Cooking in Maths activities for you to try at home.
Numbers Numbers
This week Year 1 are learning how to write their numbers to 20 in words. We had a race today to see which teams could order their numbers 1-20 then match the correct number with the correct word. Well done Year 1. You smashed it.
Maths, Maths, Maths
Well Done to Holly, Logan, Louie and Tyra who are representing Brookside this afternoon in the Inter -Schools Maths Quiz.
Big Maths
Children in Year 6 have had a fun afternoon completing Big Maths Challenges at Whitby High School.