Flexible Partitioning

Image of Flexible Partitioning

Children in Year 4 have been using place value counters to explore flexible partitioning of numbers to 10,000.  

Math KS2

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Y5 - Expanding numbers

Image of Y5 - Expanding numbers

This morning, we've been working hard on expanded number forms. Well done Year 5!

Math KS2

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Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers

Image of Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers

Children in Year 4 have been recalling and revising Year 3 Place Value knowledge and skills before heading into Year 4 Maths.

Math KS2

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We have more pyramids than Egypt!

Image of We have more pyramids than Egypt!

Year 3 explore properties of 3 d shapes.

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One Is A Snail

Image of One Is A Snail

The Nursery children have been reading 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab' and discussing how many feet different creatures have.

 They then made footprints with paint, counting the footprints as they walked.

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Y2 - Maths

Image of Y2 - Maths

We have been revisiting addition and subtraction problem solving using our knowledge of number bonds to 100.

Knowledge: use number bonds to 100 

Skills: use the inverse to check my calculations

Vocab: inverse, number bonds


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Y2 - Position and Direction

Image of Y2 - Position and Direction

We have been learning all about |Position and Direction in maths using the Beebot

Knowledge: to recognise full turns, half turns and quarter turns.

Skills: to use the language of ":forwards, backwards, left and right"

Vocab: as above

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Angles & Triangles

Image of Angles & Triangles

Year 4 have been consolidating their angles and triangle knowledge with lollipops sticks. 

Well Done Year 4! 

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Nursery's Shape Hunt

Image of Nursery's Shape Hunt

The Nursery children went on a shape hunt around the classroom, and then sorted the shapes. We then talked about how many sides and corners each shape has, and sang some shape songs.

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Year 5 and The Great Angle Hunt

Image of Year 5 and The Great Angle Hunt

This morning, Year 5 had an exciting lesson in Maths! The class were tasked with finding angles on their tables covered in tape. 

Year 5 had to find the angle and label whether it was acute, right, a straight line obtuse, or reflex.

The children really enjoyed finding the angles (and drawing…

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Maths Fractions

Image of Maths Fractions
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Nursery Counting

Image of Nursery Counting

The Nursery children are working on making and counting sets, and recognising and sequencing numerals to 5. We sang number rhymes together and then did lots of activities around the class such as number puzzles and counting candles on playdough cakes.

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