31 Jan

Year 3 measure

Does the tallest person have the longest jump?

Year 3 have been using cm and mm to measure themselves and their jumps

before converting them into equivalent lengths. .

20 Jan

Viscosity of Liquids

Children in Year 4 have been Working Scientifically to explore the viscosities of different liquids.  

9 Dec

Christmas Presents Arrays

We have been revising our knowledge of multiplication and division facts using arrays. 

26 Nov

Big Maths Y6

Well done Y6!


We went to Whitby High School and worked with Year 9 pupils to solve some 'BIG MATHS CHALLENGES'!

Excellent behaviour and we set some great impressions on the Whitby staff!

Well done everyone!





12 Nov

year 3 maths

Year 3 are learning how to add using the column method.

18 Oct

Year 5 with Factors


Today Year 5's maths lesson was something a bit different. We all had fun writing, on the tables, factors of numbers.

Well done Year 5!

30 Sep

Shapes, shapes, shapes!

Last week Nursery did lots of shape activities.

They explored and matched them, named them and counted corners and sides.

24 Sep

Year 1 Maths

19 Sep

Y2 - Partitioning

Year 2 have been learning to partition 2 digit numbers into different combinations this week.

Knowledge: Partition any 2 digit number into tens and ones to demonstrate an understanding of place value

Skills; use Base 10 equipment to support me in splitting the tens from the ones


18 Sep

Flexible Partitioning

Children in Year 4 have been using place value counters to explore flexible partitioning of numbers to 10,000.  

13 Sep

Y5 - Expanding numbers

This morning, we've been working hard on expanded number forms. Well done Year 5!

10 Sep

Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers

Children in Year 4 have been recalling and revising Year 3 Place Value knowledge and skills before heading into Year 4 Maths.