Flexible Partitioning
Children in Year 4 have been using place value counters to explore flexible partitioning of numbers to 10,000.
Y5 - Expanding numbers
This morning, we've been working hard on expanded number forms. Well done Year 5!
Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers
Children in Year 4 have been recalling and revising Year 3 Place Value knowledge and skills before heading into Year 4 Maths.
We have more pyramids than Egypt!
Year 3 explore properties of 3 d shapes.
One Is A Snail
The Nursery children have been reading 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab' and discussing how many feet different creatures have.
They then made footprints with paint, counting the footprints as they walked.
Y2 - Maths
We have been revisiting addition and subtraction problem solving using our knowledge of number bonds to 100.
Knowledge: use number bonds to 100
Skills: use the inverse to check my calculations
Vocab: inverse, number bonds
Y2 - Position and Direction
We have been learning all about |Position and Direction in maths using the Beebot
Knowledge: to recognise full turns, half turns and quarter turns.
Skills: to use the language of ":forwards, backwards, left and right"
Vocab: as above
Angles & Triangles
Year 4 have been consolidating their angles and triangle knowledge with lollipops sticks.
Well Done Year 4!
Nursery's Shape Hunt
The Nursery children went on a shape hunt around the classroom, and then sorted the shapes. We then talked about how many sides and corners each shape has, and sang some shape songs.
Year 5 and The Great Angle Hunt
This morning, Year 5 had an exciting lesson in Maths! The class were tasked with finding angles on their tables covered in tape.
Year 5 had to find the angle and label whether it was acute, right, a straight line obtuse, or reflex.
The children really enjoyed finding the angles (and drawing…