Year 5 Maths! Multiplying and Dividing
This week, Year 5 has been delving into multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000.
We looked at the patterns of which way a number moves across the place value system depending on if we were multiplying or dividing.
For example. if we are multiplying by 100, each digit will move 2…

Y6 Maths Challenge
Well done Year 6 - Whitby High School hosted our Year 6 children this morning with a fabulous Maths workshop. Well done everybody !
Year 5 learnt it's hip to be square!
This morning Year 5 delved into the world of multiplication and looked at square numbers.
We used counters, multilink, and our whiteboards to bring our learning to life.
Well done Year 5!
Y2 - Maths
Year 2 have been revisiting number bonds to 10 in preparation for learning number bonds to at least 20.
Knowledge: to recall all number bonds to and within 10 and use these to reason and calculate bonds to and within 20.
Skills: to use ten frames to work our pairs of numbers to…

4-digit Addition
Children in Year 4 have been developing their understanding of 'exchanging' in column addition by using place value counters.
Year 2 Maths
Year 2 have been exploring different equipment to find 2 digit numbers.
Knowledge: recognise the place value of each digit in a 2 digit number
Skills: to use resources successfully to support me
Vocab: place value, tens and ones
Year 5 and Estimating Volume
This morning Year 5 has been estimating the volume of shapes. We have used multilink cubes to assist us, each cube measuring at 1 cubic centimetre.
We even estimated the volume of our class which was approximately 123 cubic metres (or 123250000 cubic centimetres)!
Great estimating Year…

Rounding Decimals
Children have been consolidating their learning of 'Rounding Decimals' by challenging their friends to a game of Gold Rush - who won the most gold?
Y2 - Maths
Year 2 have been learning all about Fractions this week!
Knowledge: To identify 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 of a number or shape
Skills; to understand that a fraction is a part of a whole
Vocab: denominator, numerator, fraction, part

Grouping Objects
As part of our new Science learning, children have been grouping and sorting buttons and play animals. The children then created Venn diagrams and Carroll Diagrams. A very Science and Maths afternoon!