Nursery Numicon
The Nursery children were exploring Numicon, and counting the holes and making number towers using the coloured pieces.
Y4 Rock Stars in rehearsals
Children in Year 4 have been practising the speed, fluency and accuracy of their Multiplication and Division Facts.
Who will gain their Rock Stars Status next?
Year 5 - Fun with Fractions
To support some of our Y5 today, a FRACTION of the class was having a WHOLE lot of fun with fractions!
Pupils were able to use their fractions knowledge in various ways, such as cutting a Wagon Wheel in HALF and QUARTERS and splitting oranges into eighths to bring segments back together to make…
Year 2 Maths and manipulatives
Year 2 have been using manipulatives to find equal groups. This has helped them to count in "lots" or "groups" using Numicon.
Knowledge: Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (×), division (÷)…
Year 1 Maths
Exploring patterns in our environment. In shape and colour patterns and number patterns.
Comparing weight
This week we have been learning about heavy and light. Today we investigated which numicon pieces were heavier or lighter than 5.

Roman Numerals
As part of Cross Curriculum Mathematics, children have been learning Roman Numerals to 100.

Y6 Maths Quiz at Whitby High School
Well done Y6!
Four fine young ambassadors from Y6 represented our school impeccably at a competitive maths quiz this week. They finished a very respectable 4th against tough competition and we are very proud of them!

Multiplying TO by O
After using place value counters and Numicon, Year 4 have developed a good understanding of 2 digits by 1 digit short multiplication.